Hello, World!

Now that you have installed Dawn (dwn), it is time to write your first Dawn program! It is traditional when learning a new programming language to write a little program that prints the text Hello, world! to the screen, so we’ll do the same here!

Creating the project file

You may use any IDE, text editor or command line to create your first Dawn program. Dawn program files end with the extension .dwn.

If you are using command line, create an empty Dawn program file with:

MacOS and Linux

cd <path to dawn program directory>
touch code.dwn



cd <path to dawn program directory>
copy NUL code.dwn


Set-Location -Path <path to dawn program directory>
New-Item code.dwn -type file

Adding the content

Open the file and add the following text:

say "Hello, world!"

Then, open a command prompt or terminal and run the following:

MacOS and Linux

dwn run code.dwn



dwn.exe run code.dwn


& "dwn.exe" "run" "code.dwn"


You should get:

Hello, world!